Your emotional and physical health are not distinct. They work together every day to create overall balance in your life. Good lifestyle habits can steer you in a direction that keeps you on a path to emotional regulation and self-care and finding that harmony between mind and body is powerful. At Ethos Clinic, we follow four fundamentals of wellness…
A central focus of Ethos is our encouragement of mindfulness, meditation, spirituality and healthy living in general for all of our patients. We can either refer our patients to these therapies or provide guidance onsite. Medications, therapy and various other modalities mentioned above are used as an appropriate part of your treatment plan. Regardless of the treatment recommended in your plan, our goal is healing through a holistic and balanced approach to wellness.
Not only is the creative process a highly effective way of exploring one’s emotions, it helps to reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, and resolve other psychological conflicts. Art therapy sessions are open to people of all ages and are available at all of our three campuses.
Based on searches of major medical centers over the past fifteen years, and in our experience, up to 70% of all patients can expect significant, and fast, relief. Of course, we cannot predict any individual’s results. Our treatment is tailored in terms of frequency and dosage to each person, and we believe it offers your best chance of success.
Medications, including ketamine and psilocybin have been shown to have the same effect on the brain as meditation. This allows areas of the brain that normally communicate to connect.
At both campuses, Ethos has a comprehensive team of full-time therapists who specialize in various forms of psychotherapy. When you collaborate with our psychiatrists, a unique treatment plan is tailored to your needs.
We’re always looking to improve our services with a focus on the ever changing needs of our patiences. Please let us know how we can better help you with answering a few questions.